Dress, Boots & Bag- c/o La Redoute

Happy Sunday you wonderful bunch. As always I truly hope you had a great weekend, mine has been spent catching up on life admin, and by life admin I mean an inbox full of unread emails and a laundry basket the height of our flat... Rock n Roll baby!

This weekend is an entire world away from that of last weekend where we attended Isle of Wight festival. We had an absolute blast and I would certainly list it as one of the best festivals I have ever been to. There is a tent, act and performance for everyone and it really does have a family fun vibe to it, which is something I'm craving more and more as I get older and more granny like...

Anyhoo enough of my premature ageing and more on what I wore for our third and final day at IOW. I opted for monochrome surprisingly, not something I've done in a long while but I feel, monochrome or not, I made it my own with the bohemian silhouette and retro-esque floral print.
I absolutely love this kind of dress for festivals, it's the epitome of throw-on-and-go and feel pretty damn awesome whilst providing minimal effort and rather minimal styling. It's the kind of dress that does all the talking, all the comfort, all the swirling and twirling, the perfect in festival dressing.
This dress works wonders on it's own, with a pair of ankle boots or Converse,  but I decided to throw in some additional accessories with some neck and headwear, finishing the festival look of my dreams with a fringed backpack, festival cliches the lot!

x M

My IOW vlog is also live over on my YouTube channel and I would love to know your thoughts.

